O Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia Elétrica – PPGEE tem por objetivo principal a formação de docentes e pesquisadores altamente qualificados ligados à área de Engenharia Elétrica, promovendo assim a ampliação do conhecimento universal, e inserido no desenvolvimento regional. Especificamente, o PPGEE tem por objetivo atuar no desenvolvimento científico e tecnológico do país notadamente da região Nordeste. Atualizar a aprofundar o conhecimento de disciplinas básicas para o desenvolvimento de novas tecnologias; desenvolver modelos de processos de sistemas industriais, sistemas de energia e áreas afins.
As atividades de pesquisa no PPGEE abrangem:
instrumentação, automação de processos na indústria, conversores estáticos, acionamento de máquinas elétricas, técnicas avançadas de modelamento e simulação de sistemas de energia elétrica, qualidade de energia elétrica, otimização e eficiência energética, uso das fontes de energia solar, eólica e biomassa na produção de energia elétrica seja em sistemas isolados ou agregados ao sistema elétrico da concessionária.
O PPGEE tem um histórico de parceria com outros programas de pós-graduação nacional e internacional. Estas parcerias permitiram o estabelecimento de um relacionamento profissional sólido entre programas de pós-graduação, intercâmbio de alunos, e o estabelecimento de projetos de pesquisa conjuntos.
Até agosto de 2021 o PPGEE apresenta os seguintes dados relativos à produção de teses e dissertações:
- Número de dissertações defendidas: 356
- Número de teses defendidas: 68
Alunos ativos em 2021
- Número de alunos de mestrado: 47
- Número de alunos de doutorado: 63
Graduate Program in Electrical Engineering – PPGEE-UFC
The Graduate Program in Electrical Engineering – PPGEE – UFC created in 1993, provides education at MSc and PhD levels supported by a research team lead by 18 Professors and associated professors in the fields of Electrical Engineering. The research activities cover the following areas: instrumentation, industrial automation, power electronics, electric machinery and drive systems, electric power quality, optimization and energy efficiency, use of solar energy sources, wind and biomass for electric energy production in isolated systems, distributed generation, smart grids and protection, automation and control of electric power systems.
Partnerships with national and international research institutes and with private and public companies are very strong in the program in order to expand and exchange knowledge and technological development in pace with the demands of the industry and the society. The research and scholarship financial support are mostly funding by public research financing agencies like CNPq, CAPES, FINEP, FUNCAP and also through R&D projects and contracts with electric power utilities, and industrial companies. The selection of new MSc and PhD students happens each calendar semester and scholarships are offered to full time students.
The program is characterized also by encouraging multidisciplinary interaction that arises from the possibility to attend lectures related to different research areas, as well as the co-supervision of work among professors. Students from various regions of Brazil and abroad, notably Latin Americans and Africans apply for a position at the PPGEE. About 105 full-time students, 55 MSc and 48 PhD students are presently enrolled at the PPGEE. Until November of 2017, 257 dissertations and 48 theses were concluded in the program. Research laboratories, listed below, supported by modern computers and software, instrumentation and high precision equipment make the necessary infrastructure, for the development of research activities within the PPGEE. All labs operate in specific physical areas with own computing infrastructure and equipment.
- GPEC: A set of Laboratories for Power Electronics, Power Quality, Power Conditioners and for Smart Grids.
- GPAR: A set of Laboratories of Automation and Robotics.
- LAMOTRIZ: Laboratory of Energy Efficiency and Electric Machines Operation.
- LAPIS: Laboratory of Applications of Power Electronics and Systems Integration.
- LEA: Laboratory of Alternative Energies.
Research and developments result within the PPGEE are presented in national and international conferences and in transactions of well stalished scientific societies.